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Monday, July 12, 2010

Environmental Biology

I am also taking an environmental biology class two days a week. This class and colloquium are similar but yet so far different. Envrionmental biology has us going on field trips to places I would never go again. We hiked through the cypress domes and marshes at FGCU. It was by far the most disgusting thing I have ever done yet at the same time very informational. I have now seen a duck potatoe plant, water lillies, fire plants and learned the difference between pine trees and cypress trees. So with taking ccolloquium and environmental biology I ahve learned so much about invasive and native species, our land and different types of ecosystems.


I live in a apartment complex in Fort Myers off of Mcgregor boulevard. It is a quiet neighborhood with a lake in the middle of it. It has a sidewalk going all the way around. I walk the circle almost every day and everyday I notice something new. The ducks have hatched eggs. So there are new ducklings running around. Its so great to watch them grow up everyday.There are small fish turning into bigger fish soon to be laying eggs too. The turtles are getting so bigger. The birds are becoming more active. I believe this is because humans feed them bread everyday and their is an abundance of little fish swimming around. We have palm trees every where. The landscape is well manicured and gorgeous.
I have never noticed the simple things around the lake until I started taking this class. I have realized what a beautiful place I live in. Its phenomenal.


Simply be grateful. Well I have so many things to be grateful for. I have a wonderful fiance that i marry on July 24, 2010. He is the man of my dreams and everything I could ever want in someone. He is also the father of my amazing son. Ryan is 9 1/2 months old. He is always so happy and silly. He is the love of my life. My fiance works and makes enough so I don't have to. I have the joys of being a stay at home mom and its the best. I get to watch my son grow up everyday and learn something new. I also have two step daughters. They are great. They can give me a headache some days but I couldn't ask for more. Last but not least I ahve a dog. He is the most obedient dog I ahve ever seen. He is 9 and will listen completely. He loves all the kids and ever tries to play wth them. If hes not playing then he loves to just snuggle in your lap.
As you can tell I have so many things to be grateful for! Life is just amazing and I love living my life one day at a time.

oil spill

Well the BP oil spill has been going on for months now. What is bp doing to fix it? They are building a containment dome that should be done in August but it may or maynot work! So what about all the animals and life that may or maynot living from the first day or leakage to now? Why isn't BP asking for help from other countries or the government? Why sin't the governement stepping in and taking over this spill? Afterall it is their ocean too! BP is having clean up crews working almost all hours of the day but what about working on a permant fix so we can stop these millions of gallons of oil! So now the wuestion for florida is... are we going to promote and vote yes for offshore drilling? hoping this is a just a once in a lifetime issue? Is it going to be all about bringing in Florida money instead of taking care of our beaches and wildlife that lives here?

Events in Land Remembered

There are a few events that have stuck out of the book. Most of them were in the begining of the book. The first scene I remember is the one were Sol gives his car to his shoffeur. Those things today just don't happen. Rich people die with their money or give it to family members, definietly not their help. The next event I remember is when the McIveys helped out the indians. There were two men chasing the indians and Mr. McIvey made the two men get off his property. He fed the indians with what little food he had and let they stay the night. This type of kindness doesn't exist anymore. In todays world people would just turn their heads and pretend not to see the indians or the danager they were in. This book was a great reading and made me oipen my eyes and realize how kind people can be and what the land use to be before we ruined it with our developments.

Reflecting on colloquium

Colloquium was an interesting class. It maybe me thing about nature more than I have in the past. There are a few things I would have changed though. The discussion forum is something I would definietly change. No one respond to each others post. So maybe make the discussion worth more of your grade? I would change the papers. The papers didn't really help the class, they seemed just like busy work to me. I would maybe add more field trips to replace the papers. The field trips were great. They got me to go to places I have never been and examine the wildlife and plant life. I loved it. Also I would add a little more guidelines for the service learning project. It is a good idea to have the project but not having any dynamics didn't work for me. That could just be me though.Overall the class was well worth the time and effort spent on it.

25 things about a place

There are twenty five things about a place that make me happy. This place would be Lakes Park.
1.There is a playground designed for young children
2. They have baby swings.
3. Butterfly garden
4. Flower garden
5. Cactus garden
6.train rides
7. lake with fish and alligators
8.wild birds
9.water area with spitting water
10.picnic benches
11.shaded rest areas
12.grills for picnics
13.icecream shop
14.snack center
15.bicycle rentals
16.water bikes
17.another water area
18 older children playground area
19.naature trails
20.parking area entertainment market every friday
24. rollerblading areas
25.water fountains located everywhere

Lakes Park is a great place for anyone at any age.It is my favorite place of all times. I probably go there at least twice a week.