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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

my sustainable challenge

There are several things I could change in my life to make things a little "greener" and more sustainable. So what challenge should I take upon? After careful consideration, I am going to try to eat everything organic with the least amount of packaging possible.
My first day as this challenge begins, I am drink faucet water instead of bottled water, I went to the local farmers market and got fresh fruit and vegetables. I then went to the butchers shop (Marios Meat market in ft.Myers) they cut the meat for you then put all the meat in one big bag. It saved on individual packaging and came from small local store.

Days 2-6 were all anout the same. I ate my fresh food and drank faucet water. Nothing to exciting happened.By day 7 I was craving the fast food, candy, soda everything I didn't want to have.

Day 9 I finally caved. I did go back to eating the organic food after inhaling a cheeseburger, fries and a soda.

I learned a valuable lesson from this challenge. Although eating organic is great, my body craves all the bad things too. So this may be from inducting all the chemicals and grease into my body for years and now I am dependant on it or it maybe my tastebuds just wanted it. i am trying to make a happy medium between the two. So that way i'm happy and still trying to help out the environment.

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