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Monday, July 12, 2010

oil spill

Well the BP oil spill has been going on for months now. What is bp doing to fix it? They are building a containment dome that should be done in August but it may or maynot work! So what about all the animals and life that may or maynot living from the first day or leakage to now? Why isn't BP asking for help from other countries or the government? Why sin't the governement stepping in and taking over this spill? Afterall it is their ocean too! BP is having clean up crews working almost all hours of the day but what about working on a permant fix so we can stop these millions of gallons of oil! So now the wuestion for florida is... are we going to promote and vote yes for offshore drilling? hoping this is a just a once in a lifetime issue? Is it going to be all about bringing in Florida money instead of taking care of our beaches and wildlife that lives here?

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