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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Service learning projecct

My service learning project was to help clean up the beach. This became harder than I thought. You have to have proper training class before you can even volunteer. So after I took the 4 hour course I drove to Panama City and volunteered. it's hard work. You are out in the sun all day bent over working. I although I would do it again in a heartbeat, It is a very demanding service learning project.

As far as my PowerPoint presentation of it; i had a good time doing it. Power points are a easy and fun way to describe what and how you did something. You get to put a little part of you in it too.

The form we had to send to the teacher and then her mail it back to FGCU seems like a hassle. I wish there was an easier way to get it signed by her and to FGCU.

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