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Monday, July 12, 2010

Events in Land Remembered

There are a few events that have stuck out of the book. Most of them were in the begining of the book. The first scene I remember is the one were Sol gives his car to his shoffeur. Those things today just don't happen. Rich people die with their money or give it to family members, definietly not their help. The next event I remember is when the McIveys helped out the indians. There were two men chasing the indians and Mr. McIvey made the two men get off his property. He fed the indians with what little food he had and let they stay the night. This type of kindness doesn't exist anymore. In todays world people would just turn their heads and pretend not to see the indians or the danager they were in. This book was a great reading and made me oipen my eyes and realize how kind people can be and what the land use to be before we ruined it with our developments.

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